The solutions to exercises in this course are available as Eclipse projects exported to ZIP archives. Here’s how to import them into your Eclipse workspace.

  1. Download the ZIP file to your hard drive.
  2. In Eclipse, select File/Import from the menu. A dialog showing a list of import wizards appears.
  3. Choose “Existing Projects into Workspace” from the list of wizards. (You can start typing in the box under “Select an import wizard” to filter the list and make “Existing Projects into Workspace” easier to find.) Click Next and the Import Projects dialog appears.
  4. Click on the “Select archive file” radio button, then click the Browse button on the same line. Use the dialog to find and select the ZIP file you downloaded and click Open.
  5. Click Finish in the Import Projects dialog.

You may find that your project has compile errors due to JARs missing from the classpath. In this case,

  1. Right-click on your project folder in the Package Explorer,
  2. Select Build Path/Configure Build Path,
  3. Select the Libraries tab,
  4. Click on Classpath in the “JARS and class folders” window,
  5. Click on Add JARs…, and
  6. Locate the necessary JARs in the Libs project you imported as the last stage of your Eclipse setup.

However, assuming you did import the Libs project, this will not be necessary for most of your imports because the build path already includes the necessary JARs.